Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Official...

I have officially been deemed crazy by almost everybody I know. The only people I know that still consider me sane are other runners, triathletes, or endurance athletes. Can you believe the other day my wife actually told me I might need to be committed? She is about as opposite of a morning person as there is so she doesn't understand why I would get up at 5:15 AM on a Saturday morning. She's supportive of me. She just doesn't understand the early mornings. I don't really like them either, but it is REALLY, REALLY hot in southeast Texas right now. I've even started getting up at 5:00 AM and running before work since it has been so hot lately. We've already had temps over 100 degrees the past week. That kind of suffering is usually reserved for August. While my wife lives with this everyday, and she is starting to either understand it, or tolerate it. I haven't figured out which one yet. Other people still think I'm nuts, and I might be starting to agree with them. More on that later.


  1. I don't understand this term... "crazy?" :) I plan to go for my run this afternoon when the temps hit around 98. I'll take the heat over the cold any day.

    And, BTW. you should be committed... to being healthy! Bring it!

  2. I'll be running after work today, as well. I decided to sleep in this morning, and I got pretty lucky. We're having a cool spell in the Houston area today, and the forecast is only calling for a high of 90 this afternoon.
